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 Limited Edition Fine Art Prints

The ancient Greeks made sense of their world not only by logic but by myth too. They saw it was necessary to view things in these opposing ways in order to have a balanced understanding of their lives.
I feel we have moved out of that balance, unconsciously letting go of that mythic element to our lives. As a result we've lost touch with our own personal vision and creativity. We let a dogmatic scientific materialism unconsciously rule everything, from our dreams to our notions of the spiritual.
So in this series I try to reflect on this, creating images that sometimes imagine a world where logic has been sidelined by the mythic, or images that mock our need to analyse and break down those parts of our life that we should truly respond to more intuitively.
All of these limited edition prints come in 4 sizes.
A0 Edition of 10.        A1 Edition of 10.      A2 Edition of 20.       A3 Edition of 30. 
Glorious confusion

Glorious confusion

From £95.00


Aspergilla II

Aspergilla II

From £95.00




From £95.00


Ascent I

Ascent I

From £95.00


Ascent II

Ascent II

From £95.00


Silent Movie I

Silent Movie I

From £95.00


Silent Movie III

Silent Movie III

From £95.00


Silent Movie IV

Silent Movie IV

From £95.00


Silent Movie II

Silent Movie II

From £95.00


Bernier's youth

Bernier's youth

From £95.00


The Photographer

The Photographer

From £95.00




From £95.00


The Call

The Call

From £95.00




From £95.00




From £95.00


A flying start

A flying start

From £95.00


The young take flight

The young take flight

From £95.00


First Flight Last Light

First Flight Last Light

From £95.00


Taking flight

Taking flight

From £95.00


Balance Perspective II

Balance Perspective II

From £95.00


Canary Gold

Canary Gold

From £95.00


The Alchemist I

The Alchemist I

From £95.00


A lack of Vision

A lack of Vision

From £95.00


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