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 Limited Edition Fine Art Prints

I love to create images but can find the photographic process sometimes too defined. By taking different elements, the beautiful human form, and then juxtaposing it with random images of natures wildness, I created a series that I had less control over, an unpredictable hand guiding the finished artwork.
All of these limited edition prints come in 4 sizes.
A0 Edition of 10.        A1 Edition of 10.      A2 Edition of 20.       A3 Edition of 30. 
Anna VII

Anna VII

From £95.00


Sophie VII

Sophie VII

From £95.00


Sophie IX

Sophie IX

From £95.00


Judith II

Judith II

From £95.00


Nikita I

Nikita I

From £95.00


Judith IV

Judith IV

From £95.00


Fiona I

Fiona I

From £95.00


Fiona II

Fiona II

From £95.00


Fiona III

Fiona III

From £95.00


Mihaela III

Mihaela III

From £95.00


Mihaela II

Mihaela II

From £95.00


Mihaela bird IV

Mihaela bird IV

From £95.00


Patrizia I

Patrizia I

From £95.00


Sophie VIII

Sophie VIII

From £95.00


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